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Don’t forget to click on the above purple banner Memoirs, My Christian Supernatural Books. To the far right are personal stories of my life in orange letters.
If you are wondering what in the world is happening causing all the weird things in this crazy world, I’ve written & explained some of it on medium.com and also in some of my Christian Supernatural novels available on amazon.com/ We are living in the beginning of the end time right before the second and final coming of Jesus Christ. Satan is the one causing all the sexual confusion of sex changing, suicides, lawlessness, stealing, kidnappings, and murders because he is worried and his time is closer each day to being thrown into the lake of fire.
The Pre-adamic Earth Lucifer commits treason against God
Fallen angels? Good Angels
The Ice Age When God unfroze the earth
The fall in the garden. The enmity between woman’s and Satan’s seed.
Nephilim offspring. Watcher Angels that fornicate & fall
The Battle of the Titans. Nephilim giants die & spawn demons
Constant sexual evil. Noah builds the Ark.
The Tower of Babel. 70 different languages.
Noah’s evil grandson, Cush. The occult brings more giants.
God chooses Abraham. Jewish religious nation looks for the Messiah.
The Word becomes flesh. Jesus dies for the sins of the world & defeats Satan.
Jesus empties Paradise. Jesus ascends back to Heaven for seven years.
Christians struggle 2000 yrs. The Great Kingdom Age Awakening of Miracles.
The UFO Delusion. The “falling away” from the faith by weak Christians.
In the Rapture of the Church Christians receive their “work” rewards.
Marriage supper of the Lamb. Seven Years of Tribulation on Earth.
Jesus Christ returns to earth. The Battle of Armageddon.
Peaceful Earth Millennium. Old Earth is burned up.
Brand new much larger Earth. Heaven comes down & hovers over Earth.
No more sin problems. Trillions of people living in peace for eternity!
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